Author: Jon Petersen
Release Date: July 27, 2018
Publisher: CityForce Media
Editor/Writer: Rick
Part in Collaboration: coaching/developmental edit
What does it take to build a healthy, community-impacting church in the 21st century? Many in the Church feel bewildered and lost today. Being a Christian isn’t looked at the same way it was even half a century ago, and the world continues to change and morph as it never has before. It’s one thing to show up on Sundays, but what does it mean to be the Church in a time and culture that no longer seems to think we are relevant? Unravelled is an exploration of three distinct expressions of being the Church as told through three true stories of those seeking to transform culture with God’s Kingdom: a burgeoning megachurch that hit a wall when its founding pastor had to suddenly step down, a group of praying friends who accidentally became a church, and a church planter who took up residence in a depressed neighborhood and got so busy helping people and revitalizing the city that his “church” never got built. In Unravelled, you’ll explore the big questions:
- How is church as we know it missing the first-century ethos that made the Gospel so transformational to the communities it encountered?
- How can we be sure the churches we lead are built only on the foundation Jesus called us to build upon?
- What does it mean to follow Jesus in a “post-Christian culture”?
- What are the protocols of being a church that impact our cities to improve social welfare, inspire economic renewal, and increase community health?
The only way to find out is together. If this is a conversation that interests you, Unravelled: Reform the Church, Transform the Culture is the next book you should read.