Storytelling is
the most powerful
way to put ideas
into the world today.
Stories are the creative
conversion of life itself
into a more powerful,
more meaningful experience.
They are the currency
of human contact.

—Robert McKee

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Don’t wait for the muse. . . .
Your job is to make sure the muse
knows where you’re going to be every day
from nine ’til noon. or seven ’til three.
If she does know,
I assure you that sooner or later
she’ll start showing up.


Stephen King, 
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

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You can only become truly accomplished
at something you love.
Don’t make money your goal.
Instead pursue the things you love doing
and then do them so well that
people can’t take their eyes off of you.

―Maya Angelou

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When I sit down to write a book,
I do not say to myself,
“I am going to produce
a work of art.” I write it
because there is some
lie that I want to expose,
some fact to which
I want to draw attention,
and my initial concern
is to get a hearing.

—George Orwell

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