Read moreI knew others that
had more talent,
and a better background.
If persistence could not
do it for me,
I was doomed.
So I always listened,
and worked harder.—Jack Bickham
Read moreEvery writer knows
fear and discouragement.
Just write.―Anne Rice
Read moreDon’t compare yourself
with others except
to learn from them—
compete only with yourself,
maintaining the highest
standards of excellence
with yourself.—Rosemary Daniell
Read moreWhen you read early
Hemingway stories,
you’re reading very fluidly—
and when you’re finished,
you’re not sure what it means. . . .
It’s somewhat like a riddle,
so you read it again.And that’s, I think,
what art is—
art makes us go back
to it a second or third time.
It seems as if it’s accessible,
but maybe it’s not so simple.—Joyce Carol Oates
Read moreThe hardest thing
about writing
is writing.—Nora Ephron
Read moreDiscipline is the ability
to make yourself do something
you don’t want to do
in order to get a result
you really want to get.—Andy Andrews
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