Rick Killian

Lessons from a ghost . . .

Every writer knows
fear and discouragement.
Just write.

―Anne Rice

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Don’t compare yourself
with others except
to learn from them—
compete only with yourself,
maintaining the highest
standards of excellence
with yourself.

—Rosemary Daniell

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Now Is the Time to Consider Sri Lanka

Now Is the Time to Consider Sri Lanka

Considering your next vacation? You should consider Sri Lanka Here are a few thoughts to make the most of the trip (One being, is it safe to go there?) Okay, big questions first: Isn’t Sri Lanka in the middle of a financial crisis? Didn’t they just have rioting in the...

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When you read early
Hemingway stories,
you’re reading very fluidly—
and when you’re finished,
you’re not sure what it means. . . .
It’s somewhat like a riddle,
so you read it again.

And that’s, I think,
what art is—
art makes us go back
to it a second or third time.
It seems as if it’s accessible,
but maybe it’s not so simple.

—Joyce Carol Oates

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Five Things Writer’s Block Might Be Trying to Tell You

Five Things Writer’s Block Might Be Trying to Tell You

You can’t think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself out of a thinking block. —John Rogers In its most essential form, writing is transcribing thinking onto paper. (There’s is more to it after that, but often that’s not writing, that’s editing,...

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